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Greater German Reich
Flag of the German Reich (1935–1945).svg
Flag of the Greater German Reich
Full Name Großgermanisches Reich

(Greater German Reich)

Common Name Germany
Motto "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer"
"(One People, One People, One Leader")
Anthem Das Lied der Daeutschen
Official Languages German
Capital Berlin
Government Structure Nazi one party


Head of State Adolf Hitler
Head of Government Adolf Hitler
Currency Reichsmark
Established 1933
Population 100,000,000

Germany, officially the Großgermanisches Reich (English: Greater German Reich) is a country in Central Europe that stretches from the English Channel to the Urals. It is bordered by Vichy France, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Sweden, Finland, and the Siberian Union. Germany also controls the colonies of the Karabik, Arabien, the Miittlerer Osten, Südafrika, and Zentralafrika, as well as puppet states Vichy France, Britain, Iceland, and Hellenic State.

Germany is a totalitarian dictatorship under the rule of Führer Adolf Hitler, who took power in 1934. Germany is currently the most powerful nation in the world, ruling with an iron fist most of the eastern hemisphere. It is also the most technologically advanced, recently creating the first jet powered place for military and civilian use. After the Second World War, Germany gained large colonies in Africa, Asia, and South America. Germany also leads the Axis Powers, a military alliance between the fascist states around the world


Nazis seize power (1933)

Despite rising in popularity immensely, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP failed to win the 1932 German election, losing to the independent Paul von Hindenburg. However, under pressure from politicians, industrialists, and the business community, Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany on 30 January, 1933. In the following months, the NSDAP would come to bring all aspects of life in Germany under their control. After the Reichstag was set on fire on February 27, the Reichstag Fire Decree was put into place, revoking most civil liberties. Finally, in March 1933 the Enabling Act was passed, giving Hitler and his party the ability to pass laws without consent from the Reichstag or President, virtually making Hitler dictator of Germany

Austria and Czechoslovakia (1938)

In February of 1938, Hitler emphasized to Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Germany's need to secure its frontiers. Schuschnigg scheduled a plebiscite regarding Austrian independence for 13 March, but Hitler demanded that it be cancelled. on 11 March, Hitler sent and ultimatum to Schuschnigg demanding that all power be given to the Austrian NSDAP or face invasion, and the Wehrmacht entered Austria the next day, officially annexing the country into Germany

Next on Hitlers list was Czechoslovakia, which contained a large number of German minority, mostly in the Sudetenland. Hitler soon decided to incorporate all of Czechoslovakia into the Reich, which prompted the government to begin a large propaganda campaign to generate support for an invasion. This led France, Czechoslovakia, and Britain to prepare for war. Attempting to avoid a war, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. This resulted in the Munich Agreement, forcing Czechoslovakia to give up the Sudetenland to Germany. Chamberlain proclaimed "peace for our time". Six months later, the rest of the Czech territory was annexed, and a German puppet state was created in Slovakia.

Poland (1939)

In March of 1939, Hitler demanded return of the Free City of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, which separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. Britain announced it would come to Poland's aid in the event of an attack, but believing the British wouldn't take action, Hitler ordered an invasion plan to be ready by September. Germany reaffirmed their alliance with the Italians, signed non-aggression pacts with Estonia, Latvia, and Denmark, and formalized trade links with Norway, Romania, and Sweden. Germany also signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact with the Soviet Union, which formed a non-aggression pact between the two nations as well as protocols dividing Poland and the Baltc's between Germany and the Soviet Union.

World War II

Outbreak of the War

Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939. Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had began. Poland fell quickly, with the Soviets attacking from the east on September 17th. The Soviets then attacked Finland in the Winter War, while Germany saw action at sea. However, no major military operations commenced in Western Europe until May. This period would be known as the "Phoney War".

To protect iron ore shipments from Sweden, Hitler ordered attacks on Denmark and Norway on April 9th, 1940. Denmark lasted less then a day, while Norway lasted just over two months.

Conquest of Western Europe


German soldiers march near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris

On May 10th, 1940, Germany began its invasion of France and the Low Countries. The Benelux countries surrendered by the end of May, while France lasted until the 25th of June. Hitler attempted to make peace with Winston Churchill, but these were rejected. In response, Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to attack airbases and radar stations in Britain in preparation for the eventual invasion.


  • Südafrika
  • Zentralafrica
  • Arabien
  • Mittlerer Osten
  • Karibik


Germany is a Nazi one-party totalitarian dictatorship ruled by Führer Adolf Hitler. Although the situation has never presented itself, in the event of the death of Adolf Hitler the commanders of the Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine are to be the three candidates for the position of the führer. High ranking German officers and officials would vote, and the winner becomes the next führer of Germany.

Recently, Wehrmacht officials have been increasingly vocal with their disdain for Nazism, while the SS continue to support it. This has led to conflict between the two factions, and many are weary of the future of the Nazi ideology.

Reich Ministers

  • Reich Foreign Minister (Joachim Von Ribbentrop)
  • Reich Interior Ministry (Heinrich Himmler)
  • Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Joseph Goebbels)
  • Reich Ministry of Aviation (Herman Göring)
  • Reich Minister of Finance (Lutz Schwerin von Krosigk)
  • Reich Labor Minister (Franz Seldte)

Foreign Relations

The Reich maintains icy relations with most nations, aside from other Axis members.

Aside from the establishment of the European Trade Union, the Reich has mostly isolated itself from the western world. Italy handles funding for the Global Fascist Movement, and Germany has publicly denounced the organization as "Just another way to worsen relations between the east and west", after the start of the Brazilian Civil War. Despite this, Hitler knows the only way to ensure the survival of the Reich is to improve relations with the Allies.

Relations with Japan have also plummeted, nearly leading to war in 1948 before both nations cut relations with eachother


The German economy is dominated by major corporations with good relations with relevant Reich minsters. Most of the German economy goes towards military production, and the term 'guns and butter' is seen as an accurate statement of the Reich's economic policy. Businesses operated by non-Germans face higher taxes and more restrictions then those run by Germans, and most Germans stay clear of non-German shops.

In March of 1948, the Reich established the 'European Trade Union', with the objective to increase relations with Ireland, Portugal, and Sweden through trade. In the Reich, all corporations and businesses are directly controlled by the state.

Major Corporations

Friedrich Krupp AG (Naval and Military Production)

Thyssen AG (Steel Production)

IG Farben (Chemical and Pharmaceutical Production)

Blaupunkt (Electronics Production)

Damiler-Benz (Automobile Production)

Volkswagen (Automobile Production)

Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG (Aircraft Production)

Messerschmitt AG (Aircraft Production)

Demag AF (Heavy Equipment production)


Germany leads the world in scientific developments, being the first to develop an ICBM, nuclear bomb, satellite, computer, and jet plane. Currently, German scientists are working on a manned mission to the moon and a working AI system for military use.

Scientific experiments are often carried out on prisoners in death camps throughout the country. These experiments are described as being extremely unethical, and once the subject is killed their body is dumped and burned. These experiments are so frowned upon that even Germany's closest ally, Italy, has condemned the experiments, calling them "Uncivilized on the highest levels".



The Heer has been the land forces component of the Wehrmacht since 1935. The German Army currently has roughly 1,871,000 soldiers in active duty, with another 2 million or so in reserves. Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel is the current commander of the Heer.

Most of the German Army is stationed in Europe. The Afrika Corps have been turned into an anti-partisan force after Rommel left to oversee the African colonies, and Germany's American and Asian colonies have been lightly manned until recently.


The Luftwaffe is the air component of the Wehrmacht. The Luftwaffe is easily the most advanced and largest air force in the world, having recently developed a jet fighter, and German pilots are among the most renown. Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring is the current commander of the Luftwaffe. Large fighter and bomber squadrons have also been sent to air bases abroad, such as Madrid and Sofia.


The Kriegsmarine is the naval component of the Wehrmacht. Like all other service branches in Germany, the Kriegsmarine is the largest, most advanced, and most powerful navy in the world. During the Second World War, since the Kriegsmarine had virtually no chance against the larger and highly advanced Royal Navy, the main focus of German naval construction was the building of a large number of u-boats and naval vessels. The u-boats would starve British supply lines while the main fleet, although not nearly advanced as the Royal Navy, would overwhelm the British fleets with overwhelming numbers. Großadmiral Karl Dönitz is the current commander of the Kriegsmarine


Social Classes

In German culture, there are three classes of people. At the top are 'Honorary Citizens of the Reich', a spot reserved for government officials, the rich, and citizens that have served at least 5 years in the military. Beneath these are 'Civilians of the Reich', which are made up of Germans that are loyal to the Reich and its people, but have not yet taken up a government or military position or do not have the proper wealth to be an honorary citizen. The lowest tier, 'civilian', consists of non German citizens and petty criminals. Civilians face weekly house searches, being shot on sight if anything illegal is found, as well as being widely discriminated against by the other classes.

Youth Programs

The Hitler Youth is the leading youth organization in the Reich. Male members are taught the basics of surviving on the battlefield and in nature. Activities of the Hitler Youth go from friendly expeditions found in other youth organizations like hikes and camping trips, to the more extreme like running in full combat gear and taking cover under machine gun fire. These activities prepare them for their eventual draft into the Army. Female members are taught everyday tasks like cooking and office work, and female membership is much lower then male. Although Hitler Youth isn't necessary, it is highly frowned upon to keep the child out of the organization.


Health care in the Reich depends on a persons social class. Honorary Citizens of the Reich are given universal health care, Civilians of the Reich are covered for minor injures, and Civilians have no coverage whatsoever.


Press Censorship/Media Rights

All news stations and media outlets in the Reich are run by the state. They are used to broadcast propaganda to German citizens, and most of the news reported on is fabricated and never really happened in the first place.


Christianity is the most practiced religion in the Reich, but almost any religion is allowed to be practiced. All churches are controlled by the Deutsche religiöse Gesellschaft (german religious society), a state controlled organization that controls every religious building in the Reich. Any religious building can be shut down by the D.R.G if it is thought to be promoting ant-fascist ideas, and anyone with ties to the building is sent to a Siberian death camp.


Throughout all of the Reich football is the most played, with over 23,000,000 Germans involved with the sport. The German national team is regarded as the best in the world, beating the Hungarians 4-0 in the 1948 World Cup Finals, held in Germany. On top of this, the German national team has only ever lost 3 matces since 1947, two to Italy, and one to Romania.
